11 Temmuz 2010 Pazar

Tokyo, Japans

Tokyo, Japan's capital. Japanese in Tokyo (东京), CTR (东 east) Kyo (京 city), that the word means "the capital of the east" is. The area is 600 km ² and a population of 12 million, the Tokyo metropolitan area is one of the largest cities in the world. Honshū in the central part of the island, the Pacific which is an indentation on the edge of Tokyo Bay, is located at the mouth of the Sumida River. Tokyo winters are very mild, the summers are hot and wet.


Tokyo's opening to settlement of the region today are based on very old. 6. century in Japan after the establishment of a strong imperial rule was part of the province of Musashi.

Port city on the shores of Tokyo Bay in Tokyo 19 century until the Edo ("estuary gate") was recognized with the name. Edo Castle 12 century family home of a powerful samurai clan in Edo Japan has occurred in history. 1603'de Tokugava Şogunluğu Tokugava Ieyasu, founder, served as the capital of Edo'yu shogun management. Edo shogunate in Japan under the regime kürtürel and economic and political development in the area was the center.
Shogun Japanese emperor who put an end to 1868'da management, the old shogun palace in Kyoto to Edo castle whether immigration, the ancient capital of Kyoto in the east, because the capital city's name was changed to Tokyo.

Tokyo, September 12 1923 saw the great damage from earthquakes. The city was rebuilt after the earthquake, and this time around in the suburbs began to be formed. II 20 years later.Severe bombardment by U.S. aircraft in World War II is not collapsed again.

Tokyo in 1950 after the country's economy grew rapidly and by showing a parallel development has reached its present level.


In the center of town, surrounded by gardens and a wide moat of the Imperial Palace is located.To the east of the palace, Japan's central business district is described as Maranouçi, many university and commercial printer located in the northeast of the district lies in the blood. Public buildings in the south of the palace were in the Kasumigaseki district. Kasumigaseki'nin the national parliament building in the west. The world famous Ginza district, a shopping center in the eastern part of the city. Tokyo's architecture, two or three-storey wooden houses, Meici era stone building made of concrete or steel and a variety of shows ranging from skyscrapers. The temple's main worship center in Japan as a national monument as Meici accepted.

In the beginning you had against earthquake resistant buildings is limited to 30 meters, but after 1960 many new buildings resistant to earthquakes in excess of this height has been constructed. Their major Mainiçi Publishing, Tokyo Cathedral, National Theatre and the International Trade Center is.

Local transportation by bus, subway and public or private sector is provided with electric trains.Flights in Tokyo, one inside and one outside the allotted time, there are two airports.

Japan's cultural center in Tokyo, many museums, libraries and universities are located. Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park, National Science Museum, National Zoo and the Western Art Museum is located. The majority of universities and colleges in Japan are in Tokyo. The major national higher education institutions outside the University of Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Fine Arts University and is Hitotsubaşi. The most famous of the private universities are also Vaseda and Keio University.

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