10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi



Silhouette of Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque
Istanbul, 41 ° N, 29 ° E is located at the coordinates. Strait and along the Golden Horn, istanbul in northwestern Turkey has been established to the surrounding. Istanbul, on the west coast of Europe and Asia in the east coast based on the two continents are the only metropolis. There are 32 districts.
The world's most ancient cities of Istanbul, 330-395 years between the Roman Empire, 395-1204 and 1261 to 1453 between the Byzantine Empire, from 1204 to 1261 between the Latin Empire, and finally from 1453 to 1922 between the Ottoman Empires were.

Marmara Region, is one of Turkey's seven geographical regions. Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia as a bridge between Europe and Asia, connecting with nature can be said. Approximately 67 000 km2 and has a yüzölçüme 8.5% of Turkey 's are matched against.
Marmara Region, industry, trade, tourism and agriculture developed. The most developed industrial areas in the cities of Istanbul-Bursa-Izmit, although the region's industrial activity is widespread in other regions. As the major industrial products, processed food, textiles, garments, cement, paper, petrochemical products, white goods can be considered.
Approximately half of the cultivated area of wheat and sugar beets wheat, corn and sunflower follows. Region, approximately 73% of Turkey's sunflower production, corn production is around 30% of the carries. Tekirdağ Viticulture is also highly developed, Sarkoy, Murefte, and the island of grapes and wines are renowned Avşa.
Seven geographic regions with the lowest elevation in the region. 30% of sown-planted land.11.5% of forested areas' tour. Is common in poultry and sericulture. Population and population density is very high due to migration. Energy consumption and tourism income is the highest region.
[Edit] Etymology

BC In 667 years, Istanbul Megaras colonists established settlements in the city during that period for the king Byzas "Bizantium" has put the names. Anno Domini In 196 the Roman emperor Septimius Severus the city was captured after an attack, but at this time the city has become a ruin. He restored the city, many Romans had migrated to Istanbul. Although Severus, the city his son's name Augusta Antonina (emperor when the name of Antoninus Caracalla has been) to give it or rumor, of Constantine to the city of Constantinople, the name give in before the public in the city Nova Roma (New Rome) was called.
Constantine at the beginning of the official name of the city wanted to put Nova Roma, but he held back when the religious disagreements. Also based on the origin of the name of istanbul is claimed that the ancient Greek. The Turks conquered Istanbul, during and before the Seljuk well as in the city Stamboul-Stambul. As well as Turks, Arabs in the 10th century, 12th century, the Armenians were called to the city by that name are provided. However, the state uses the name of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople.
Frequent use of the name of the city is Istanbul-İstambol 17th century, Evliya Çelebi mentioned with the name of the town begins. Istanbul Greek word "εις την Πόλιν" or "στην Πόλη" (eis ten poli Sten pole = town or city or right) comes from the phrase. 1 century III. Mustafa in the period, the removal of funds from Constantinople, he officially becomes İstambol'u place. (1770)

The new Baroque style Ortaköy Mosque in Ortaköy
Istanbul in many languages which have different names:
Modern: Konstantinúpoli (Κωνσταντινούπολη), Istinpolin, Megali Police Kalipolis, Vizantion
Latin: Bizantium, Antoninya, Alma Roma Nova Roma
Slavic: Çargrad, Konstantingrad
Hebrew: איסטנבול (Carbon-tan-finding), the Middle Ages קושטא (Bird-ta)
Norsca: Miklagard
Armenian: Vizant, Stimbol, Esdambol, Eskomboli, Stambol (Ստամբուլ)
Arabic: Bizantiya, hand-stranded, the Kustantina hand-expert
The time of the Seljuks: Constantinople, Constantinople Mahrusa-i, Stambul
Old Russian: Çargrad, Vizantiy, Constantinople, Stambul
In Ottoman: Dersaadet, Deraliyye, Mahrusa-i reign, Istanbul, Islambol, Darü's-reign-i Aliye, Asitane-i Aliye, Darü'l-Hilafetü 'l Aliye, Sultanate Payitaht-i,-i Mualla lodge, Südde-i Saadet , Kostantiniyye (قسطنطينيه)
French: Stamboul
Spanish: Estambul
Hungarian: Isztambul
Lithuanian: Stambulas
Latvian: Stambula
Albanian: Stambolli
Welsh: Iostanbúl
Loglanca: Gonstantinupol
Laz: Poly
Ladino: Estanbol
Persian Estanbol
Rumence: Istambul
[Edit] History

Main article: History of Istanbul

Although the World three times since the ice age 300,000 years pass, and although the soil mass displacement; Kucukcekmece Yanmburgaz in Neolithic cave, and were followed until Kaltolitik people. Dudullu Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic with trees used in the instruments were to be found. However, these ages mentioned anywhere in the world can be found in traces. After the last ice age times we live in BC Aittir.M.Ö to 5000 years.Fikirtepe inscriptions belonging to the year 5500 with the discovery of the Chalcolithic period were found in the capital.
Istanbul city's history can be grouped into four main. These are the names of Istanbul, the second settlement period of the Byzantium, Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire founded by Constantine period, the Ottoman Empire and the Republic era. Istanbul, the Roman Empire (330-395) 's, then the Byzantine Empire (395-1204, 1261-1453) and the Latin Empire (1204-1261)' s, and finally Ottoman Empire (1453-1922) 's capital has been . Roman and Byzantine capital of Constantinople by the Ottoman capital by Stambul, İslambol, Constantinople, etc. Dersaadet was known. Cumhuriyeti'nce Turkey since 1930 the city is officially called Istanbul.
[Edit] Byzantine Period
Main article: Byzantium
This period, BC With 660 A.D. 324 years between the covers. BC Megara 667'de people, after settling into the city, the king for Byzas, Byzas'ın Bizantium meaning place or city (or Byzantium Bizantion - Βυζάντιον) puts the name.
According to legend Megaras known in the Aegean Sea to the north is the right way, in this order from the King Byzas'a the Delphi oracle "was the opposite of the blind" in the new city would build. Mageralılar after reaching the Bosphorus, in place of travel and periods Kalkedon'u (Χαλκηδών) today Kadıköy on the ground will set the foundation of the city.

Bizantium drawing
Sarayburnu Megaras later settled in, but many times the city has been invaded. BC Were seized by 269'da Bitinyalılar. BC 202'de Bitinyalılar frightened by the invasion of Macedonia, had appealed for help from Rome and Roman culture has slowly begun to affect the city. BCBeginning in 146 the Roman Empire came under the rule. Since that time the city, has been in the state of Bithynia-Pontus.
Roman Emperor, "Septimus Severus," the city, because people kept Partlıları MS 196'de pervades the city and the city is almost completely disintegrates. (According to another opinion of Severus the city was burned all the settlements), Severus, because the city is quite like the city is completely rebuilt. During this period, because of the problems in Rome, Rome, the vast majority of people migrate to Istanbul. During this period, from Rome to Istanbul from the city "Nova Roma (New Rome) will say, but does not this name is never formalized.
Domination of the Goths in 269 cities in July, fell to the Nikomedyalıların 313'de said.Constantine takes the Nikomedyalılardan city is the capital of the Roman Empire.
[Edit] Byzantine Empire Period
Main article: Constantinople

Map of Constantinople. Detailed maps.
During this period 324 - 1453 covers the years between. I. Konstantinus captured the city after the capital of the Roman Empire, the city is also the administrative center of the east of Rome.During this period the population of Romans, the Roman nobles including the critical dimensions of migration has increased. During this period, has greatly extended the city with a new architecture. 100-seat hippodrome (Sultanahmet Square), as well as ports and water facilities have been built.
Although the city of Rome during the Nova Konstantinus'un, May 11 330 of the city was named Constantinople. In the period, the Hagia Sophia cathedral in the world's largest 360 Constantine established, so that Christianity is the religion of the Roman Empire changed. West of the Roman pagan religion, which began with the first break in this period. Although the Byzantine Empire, I. Although the death of Theodosius, beginning with the Byzantine Empire brought Christianity to Konstantinus from his respect for him always saw it as a Byzantine Emperor; 1453'deki up to the collapse of the Emperor than 10 names have been Konstantinus. Istanbul is a very strategic role in this period, was a door between Europe and Asia. With this opportunity, commerce, culture, and is a center of diplomacy is done. During this period, the city's name "Poly" (the city) there have been.
After the collapse of Rome in 476, the West, the Western Roman Empire, the vast majority of Romans who had emigrated here, and Istanbul has been the capital of the Byzantine Empire.543'de causing the death of half of the population after an outbreak of plague in the city of Emperor Was built during Justinian again.
700lü point in the Sassanid and Avars attacked the city; 800lü in Bulgarians and Arabs, the Russians and Bulgarians in 900lü was attacked.
However, among the most devastating attacks in 1204 has become one. By the Crusaders; 4The Crusade in 1204 seized the city was looted, the vast majority of people fled from the city, the poor and became a city in ruins. The reason for this growth in the Latin West of Rome, the Catholic Christian Orthodox Christian beliefs with the understanding Bizans'daki differences and incompatibilities are between. After this period, from 1261 in Palailogos Dynasty; Michael VIII Palaeologus recaptured the city and Latin'lerin period has ended.
Gradually decrease after this period the Byzantine, the Ottoman Empire began to be besieged by 1391'den later, May 29 1453, eventually became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire.Conquest of istanbul history of the world symbolizes the end of the Middle Ages.
[Edit] Ottoman Era
Main articles: Ottoman Empire and the conquest of Istanbul

Conquest of istanbul
During this period 1453 - 1923 covers the years between. May 29 1453, the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror after the 53-day siege of Istanbul is the capital of the Ottoman Empire and end the 3rd.
After the Ottoman conquest, the establishment of the Grand Bazaar, Topkapi Palace and then opens a lot of schools and public baths. From around the world and the people of the empire moved to Istanbul. Jews, Christians and Muslims live together is a cosmopolitan society.Remaining from the Byzantine era, the old buildings and walls are repaired. 50 years after the conquest of Istanbul is one of the world's largest cities. "Little Apocalypse", also known as, in the wake of September 14, 1509 Istanbul Earthquake (as is suggested in eight of violence), lasted 45 days with aftershocks destroyed thousands of buildings and many people lose their lives.
In 1510, Sultan Mahmud II. Beyazıd; 80,000 people working in the city will rebuild. Today, the vast majority of existing works from this period remain. Suleiman the Magnificent in the period, given the importance of architecture and art. Architect Sinan builds mosques and other buildings. During the Tulip Revolution, the Grand Vizier Damat Ibrahim Pasha Nevşehirli Since 1718, the fire brigade was founded, and opened the first printing press was set up factories.November 3, 1839 has been declared after the Tanzimat and the West have accelerated the process of, and improvements have occurred in many areas.

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