10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi

Ayasofya Mosque | In Turkey - Istanbul (Costantine)

Architecture, magnificence and functionality, the first and the last unique application in terms of Hagia Sophia as a common, albeit on the basis of the Ottoman mosques inspired idea, is a product of the East-West synthesis. This work on the world of architecture has remained intact until the present day among the most important monuments are located. Therefore, the Haghia Sophia, as well as history, architecture, mosaics and Turks over the centuries by the age structure has attracted the interest of all humanity.

916 in Hagia Sophia church, the mosque was 481 years, history functions as a museum since 1935 continues.

Byzantine historians (Theophanes, Nikephoros, grammarian Leon), the first Emperor of Hagia Sophia Constantine I (324-337) have suggested the time was done. Basilica with a wooden roof of this building, was burned at the end of an uprising. No remains of this structure has survived.

ayasofyaİmparator II. Theodosius Hagia Sophia was built, and 415 for the second time has opened for worship. Again basilica was burnt down during the Nika revolution 532. During excavations in 1936 revealed some ruins about it. Digits indicating the entrance of their temples, columns, capitals, fragments of the building.

Iustinianus emperor (527-565), the first two wanted to build a church larger than St. Sophia, famous architects of the era Isidoros Miletos and the Hagia Sophia has reached Anthemios of Tralles. The remains of the ancient city of Anatolia, columns, capitals, marble and colored stones were brought to Istanbul to be used in Hagia Sophia.

The works started on December 23, 532, 537 was completed December 27. Architecture is examined in terms of a large central space, two side rooms (nef), abscissa, the inner and outer narthex has occurred. Interior, 100 x 70 m. extent, and four large feet on the 55th move of the m. height, 30.31 meters in diameter was covered with a dome.

The mosaics of Hagia Sophia as well as the architecture is of great importance. The oldest mosaics in the narthex and the side naves are gilded mosaic of geometric and floral motifs. Figurative mosaics IX.-XII. century were made in. Emperor on their doors, absiste, exit doors and upstairs gallery are seen.

Sophia camiAyasofya starting with the conquest of Istanbul in the Turkish period, several repairs were made. Environmental niche, Turkish china art and includes the finest examples of Turkish calligraphy. The dome of the famous Turkish calligrapher Mustafa Izzet Efendi Kazasker taken from the Koran with a period of 7.50 m. The most interesting is the diameter of the circular plate. In these sheets, Allah, Mohammed, Omar, Osman, Ali, Hasan, Abu Bakr, Hussein's name is written. The side wall of the niche in the writing of the Ottoman sultans and the plates are presented here.

Sultan II. Selim, Sultan III. Mehmet, Sultan III. Murat and the tomb of the prince, Sultan I. Mahmut's fountain, primary school, soup kitchen, library, Sultan Abdülmecid Sultan Mahfi with muvakkithane, Hagia Sophia in the Turkish-age samples and mausoleums, interior fittings, tiles and architecture and classical Ottoman tomb tradition of the most beautiful examples of form.

09:30 to 16:30 every day except Mondays between the hours of the museum can be visited.

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