11 Temmuz 2010 Pazar

Berlin, Germany

Settlement over the city
Colle's first settlements in Berlin today, that is currently Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin was the, Spree'nin in the northern coastal region. Both 13 Century was founded, on 28 October 1237 Cölln'ün first name was known. When this was probably the founding of Berlin. In 1307 the city of Berlin is united with Colle.

Berlin City Palace
1451 elektör (Kurfürst) II. Friedrich double the city as a center of unrest after the government has declared itself. Time the government (1640 - 1688) Friedrich Wilhelm launched the city's kalkımını, Berlin fire again, after being rocked with heavy blows, such as plague and war. It was developed in Berlin and then to the castle began construction of the magnificent structure, for example, today's "Unter den Linden" street.

Emperor Wilhelm II

And the rapid development of the city government
Elektör III. King of Prussia, Frederick I. in the year 1701 itself Friedrich declared a royal capital and the Berlin city government has increased. Many famous architectural works were built later.I. Friedrich Wilhelm ("soldier king") and his then II. Friedrich ("United") from 1740 to 1786 in Berlin under the king of Prussia in the city to become the leading industry succeeded.

Frederick the Great Architect Knobelsdorff management architecture new arrangement also has continued. Population of 150,000 were up to and even exceeded. Friedrich, particularly with older art and culture, science, research is encouraged. Except for Berlin, it became a center of Enlightenment era.

The darkest chapters in Berlin's history

Between 1808 to 1806 Napoleon's troops had captured the city. But the people held in Leipzig in 1814 Napoleon's annexation of the war after the victory has configured the Quadriga (four horsemen koşaltı) again was taken back to the Brandenburger Tor. Klasisist structures and artistic masterpieces Schinkel Lenné'nin parks were formed subsequent decades. 19. ihtibaren in the middle of the century the economy has experienced a strong recovery. The rapid population çoĝalmaktaydı.

Capital of the German Empire
In 1871, the German Empire in the founding period, in Berlin, 800,000 more people lived. 1861 to 1888 this year, the first king of Prussia Emperor Wilhelm of Germany was installed at the crown. Berlin was the capital of the German Empire and in 1895 the population here exceeds half a million had already. II the last German emperor from 1888 to 1918. Wilhelm continued his ruling here in 1918 after the First World War, before being deported.

Berlin Rosinenbomber

In 1918, after the First World War, the surrender of the Empire and the capital was put into a deep crisis, and the republic was declared. Difficult economic conditions and cultural life in spite of the chaos revolution in the twenties had been developed. Of innovative theater scene, splendid film premieres, high-paced and unique varieties of night life in Berlin that the "Golden Twenties" ("Golden twenty people"), the time had been determined.

In 1933, Adolf Hitler's empire was başbakanlıĝını üstlendiĝi year. His coming to power of the Jews, communists, homosexuals, the persecution of opposition groups has begun, and many other seekers. This was the beginning of the city's black page.

XI in 1936 in Berlin. Yazoyunları Olympics was held, and very few people were aware of Hitler's megalomanlıĝının. Year 1941 is the start of air attacks on cities. May 8 1945 until the surrender of approximately one third of the houses and historic buildings are often the victims of these attacks have been demolished.

Berlin Checkpoint Charlie

Already been rebuilt and division
Nazis and the terror of the Second World War in 1945 after the city had become a ruin.Population had almost halved. Soviet Union (East), USA (west), United Kingdom (the west) and France (northwest), which was divided between the victorious powers of the city region.

June 25, 1948 ihtibaren three western sectors were blocked by the Soviet Union. Allies city "Rosinenbomber" (raisin bomber plane) with the help of aircraft were called, and thus about one year after the Berlin blockade ended May 12, 1949.

Due to the establishment of the German Democratic Republic East Berlin, October 7, 1949, was declared the capital of DDR. DDR government moved to the city's east side. Berliners yet who could easily transition to the eastern part of Berlin, for example, to work there.

13 August 1961, built the walls are sealed with the division of Berlin. What the people now at work in East Berlin side of the family members to go to what the city's west side could make the transition. John F. agreement barely pass certificate Kennedy visit, has been made since 1963. "Tränenpalast" ("Palace of Tears"), called the Friedrichstrasse train station waiting room in the broad sense in this period was of great.

The collapse of the wall and reunification
During the night of November 9, 1989 to the fall of the Berlin Wall came suddenly, during the earlier months of DDR citizens fled to the west through Hungary and Czechoslovakia after. The whole city, so the whole country was celebrating! From this moment ihtibaren former DDR citizens could move freely again.

October 3 With the 1990 reunification of Germany in Berlin again became the capital of Germany. Berlin since 1999, although again, the German Federal Government Location konaĝının became the center of German politics. April 19th parliament since 1999, Sir Norman Foster has configured restored in the former Imperial Parliament under the name of the German Federal Parliament in the session.

Since then the glass dome of Berlin, people from all over the world and an attraction for tourists.On the occasion of the Berlinale festival in 2000 has opened the doors to the Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz and the center has completed a complete redesign.

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