11 Temmuz 2010 Pazar


Hittites in the history of civilization in Anatolia, is a state founded.
Anatolia between the direction of development, through the Caucasus, the Black Sea from the Dardanelles, or should be. The most generally accepted ideas, in the direction of Anatolia over the Caucasus.

Hittites seen before in history goes back to the kingdom ruled between 1660-1630 BC, I. Is said to have been founded by Hattusili. 1460-1190 BC, the Hittite kingdom in "The Great Kingdom" is called the period. BC After the year 1190 have been destroyed.

Hattuşaş'dır the first settlements. 82 km to Hattusas Corum. away. Then spread to various regions of Anatolia, have continued their dominance. See the map below:


Our knowledge about the Hittites to the beginning of this century are based on people. Until the end of the nineteenth century, in the position of Hittite history was unknown. Egyptian texts and the Torah, though she was talking about a nation of people, but this may be of Anatolian origin had not occurred to anyone.
Internal research on the history of the First Age in Anatolia, in the nineteenth century, Charles Texier who visit here, for travelers such as William Hamilton did not go beyond the impression.
Then the "Tablet of Yozgat" called, Bogazkoy library with artifacts were found and in 1917 by renowned Czech scholar Hronzy solved.
The tablets from this region of Anatolia in the country of Hatti was seen mentioned is that the creators of this civilization, the match with a name in the Torah been called by the Hittites.
To recognize the Anatolian Hittite civilization, or even to recognize the means of Anatolia today.
We who are heirs Hittiler'in on Anatolian soil, known as the culture, beliefs and learn, the better we can understand our present culture.
Before then review the Hittite, Hittite civilization established in the same place as before the migration and then greatly influenced by the Hittites, who are required to examine the Hatti civilization.
Between approximately 2500-1700 BC Anatolia created a great civilization, our information is very limited Hatti. Hatti is considered as indigenous people of Anatolia, however, they came to immigration - even those who argue there are-they are of Turkish origin. Research Hittite civilization and faith / mythology in terms Hattiler'den revealed very impressed.
Although the Hittites themselves known by other names, countries and religions say about their country of Hatti tablets are talking in the language specified in the Line of the priest shows this effect. Moreover, many of the specific name comes from the Hatti language.
Line of civilization was the most important works Alacahöyük. The excavation began in 1935 under the auspices of Ataturk now exhibited at the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations solar courses, statues, gold cups were a lot of work.
During excavations in the position of the dead hocker (womb as well as in fetal position), soil and the presence of the cult of resurrection, and therefore indicate the presence of the mother goddess cult.
Tokat Horoztepe'dir also finds another place. Here, too, belong to the idols and ceremonial ringing of the mother goddess was found. However, the majority of the finds kaçırılmıştır.Hattiler abroad to their own ornaments and decorations, as seen in many places of Anatolia, a spread is and how much of this civilization is important. Line people, the animals developed the cult of the god-shaped, especially the bulls have been the most important symbols. Celestial bull / bull combination of sun disc / think the relationship could gain heaven. Accordingly, the bull represents the greatest god of the heavens. Fused Hittite Hatti, Hittite Hatti civilization has continued to live in civilization.
Origins of the Hittites
Anatolian Civilizations is one of the most important Hittite origin is still controversial. However, the Hittites of Anatolia, locals are not sure they come from the outside. Even after the Hittite name is a name invented by the Old Testament. What's with these people for themselves so we commemorated the Hittite language, we know who we are speaking of generations.
In the western world, scientists have agreed that the Hittites were an Indo-European roots as a nation on track. They spoke the language and culture of patriarchal structures and other features supported this view. However, they migrated from the Hittites were not fully clarified.
In the early years of the republic, then the names, the Hittites were said to be Turkish. Etibank even took the name here. On the other hand, even if the Hittites Hattiler'in Asiatik has relevance to people. Particular languages and cultures is strengthening this link. On the other hand, another theory is the way the Hittites Circassian origin. This thesis is also concerned Hatti items in terms of language and culture is supported and does not seem impossible. However, more comprehensive research should be done. Because the Hittite Hatti Çurey then mixed, for example out obscure places, have broken out theories.
A Glimpse of the History of the Hittites
After you look at the origin of the Hittites to the problem, then the Hittite Indo-European origin, entered Anatolia via the Caucasus as a nation we can accept.
Hittites seen before in history goes back to the kingdom ruled between 1660-1630 BC, I. Is said to have been founded by Hattusili. Considering this issue the documentation is a bit complicated, because the preceding Hattusili Labarna and capital Kussara'dan talks. This term is quite complicated because the local king in Anatolia prevails.
Hattusili in fact, is the person who founded the kingdom at the center Hattusas. Akurgal this situation is summed up:
"Written sources is clear that the results as we can say that Labarna named king Kussara'da ruler after instead nephew Labarna or Tabarna name with the king. However, this second Labarna, after a time the administration center of the capital to be in every way conducive Hattusha ' or neklediyor and so too is a name which means Hattuşlu Hattusili that. "
Hattusili proliferation policy was followed to the south of the border, and Syria today by taking the country expanded westward Arzawan. Instead of dying at a time Hattuşili'nin Murşili is past. Murşili his father had followed a policy of expansion, Halpa '(Aleppo) as t goes to Babylon has received approximately MÖ1550 years old, also burned here at the Hammurabi dynasty has ended.
Murşili'den later became a king. These are the most important one Telipinu'dur (BC 1535-1510) Telipinu from the time of writing both the Hittite history provides insight both Telipinu first the kingdom to whom you'll stay has determined: "The first woman born boy king is. If the first ordinary prince or, The second ordinary boy who becomes king. One king child, a boy is not present in this case, the first ordinary girl who is married, her husband becomes king. "
1460-1190 BC, the Hittite kingdom in "The Great Kingdom" is called the period. Hurri-Mitanni Empire in Anatolia in this period, the largest political force after the Kingdom of the Hittites.
II.Tuthaliya first king of this period 'is. Of this important dynasty of kings ruled until the end of the Kingdom of the Hittites.
During this period the most important one Şuppiluliuma'dır kralardan. This time the king (MÖ1350-1345), the kingdom has expanded the boundaries well, focused on relations with Egypt.
Also another important Muvatalli'dir king (1315-1282 BC). He suppressed the disturbances in time and against Egypt resulted in the successful battle of Kadesh. III.Hattuşuli was then the famous Kadesh Treaty.
Towards the end of the 1200s BC, the Kingdom of the Hittites were in their best period after the death of the king's brother is not in the child II. Şuppiluliuma'nın throne in the palace and out confusion, even among the people of the rebellion has been. On this, a "northern tribes" could not bear attack, adding the Hittite giants, under the invasion has become history. Later on "Late Hittite" has been called the period of Principalities, Hittite culture in the south has continued to live in a little more time to date has been mixed.
Hittite Beliefs
This habit is about the "Hittite Religion" will be reviewed under. Sometimes we use this terminology, but this issue, set the general rules, it is not a homogenous religion, "Faith of the Hittites" is more accurate to examine under. Hittite, probably from Anatolia during that period must be mosaic, each community has embraced God, has created a large pantheon. Tablets this must be why "the thousand gods of Hatti country" pass phrase. Yazılıkaya'daki parade of gods also provides information about this topic quite well. Most of us in the name of God, but God in the testimony section of the agreement is reached.
The Hittites, the Old Kingdom and the Indo-European origin, the god of Hatti as they embraced, and later Hurrian and even Mesopotamian deities origin were also adopted. In the Hittite goddess Ishtar of Mesopotamia, and is also referred to various names had been of great importance. However, from the same origin and Damnika Ea, god of water, the sun god Shamash and his wife, the moon and the moon god Sin, took part in the Hittite pantheon. Where these gods must also have been involved şahiliğin.
In the Hittite gods were considered as fully human, according to this sense of belonging to the gods of the people can live, or even to be hungry, thirsty, and are ill.
The vast majority of these local deities and the gods are the various communities. During this period, Hurri, Luwi, Pala, and the Mesopotamian god of Hatti majority. Gods, no matter how much the gods are in fact shared certain characteristics. In other words, carry the same properties in different names. In this context, we can reveal the major characteristics of God.
To examine their beliefs about the Hittites in the form of a more accurate title would be:
Hittite Gods
* Sky God / God of Storm
Undoubtedly the most important deities in the pantheon of the Hittites "Sky God" respectively. This god is called in different names locally, in the language of Hatti "Taru", Hurrian language "Teşup", the Hittite language "tarragon, Tarragon or Tarhunt" was called.
In fact, they came the Hittites, an Indo-European origin, had the gods. Sioux name this god, the Greek Zeus and the Latin Deus, dii words had the same origin. This root as well as the god of light, also has to have means to shine. Siu specific god, but over time has ceased to be the name and meaning of God in general has become. However, a period of Hittite, Indo-European named as Luwi they also protect the names of other gods are supposed to.
Akurgal'da in God's name and symbols, it is useful to take the following excerpt:
"Baştanrı Hittite texts, usually 'Line Country of the sky god', 'sky god', 'Hattusha God', 'House of God' with names such as is known. The 'army Göktanrısı', 'Rain Göktanrısı' name the also been found. A god of the hieroglyphic sign two split consists of an ellipse. First, the question mark, if you mean the god of the sky, divided into two ellipses were written under the sign of W-shaped lightning; means both sky god. "
Mountains with the sky god, or rather the mountain gods, are among the symbolic link. In fact, this "move mountains gökkubbeyi that" faith is better to deal with. This, then we will see in the Atlas of Greek mythology, the legend must be the first form. Hittite texts, the sky god, god of the mountain to symbolize the two men stand on the figure we also reinforces this view.
One of the most important symbols of the sky god is also bullish. Bulls are thought to symbolize the sky god. Alacahöyükte resulting in a relief sculpture of a bull in front of the king and queen's homage to that fact must be associated with the sky god. Çatalhöyük'ten, perhaps even more important to protect this symbol since ancient times in Greek mythology, Zeus, and then presents the bulls will come in disguised.
Sky god was also the god of thunder. If we are already considering the climate of Anatolia-the-storm that is supposed to be hot once again how important that is clear. II.Murşili during a storm, even the king of being held to the language we learn:
"Suddenly the air broke. Sky god, a horrible roar, and I'm scared I have. Then in his mouth that was reduced and that the interruptions by making up the output. Years later when these dreams himself began to proclaim. The fall in one of God's hand on me was worth it and talk to my strength all the lost .
In the late period, all the features of the sky god passed into the storm god, the god of thunder Teşup Horriya the Hittites moved into a position equivalent to the sky god. Teşup more to the south of the Taurus and Syria in the region until there were cult centers.
* Goddess
It is also important as the goddess of the Hittite gods. That's the projection of women as the male equivalent of Hittite society is located.
Goddess of the Hittites, Hatti "Vuruşemu" Horriya "Hepat" is the goddesses named. Hittite "Arinna'nın sun goddess" in the late Hittite "Kupaba" as is past. (Cybele is also likely to keep the faith.)
Goddess names in different name in these tablets have the same properties if they are late. Hurrian influence, especially with the entrance into the pantheon of Teşup'un with his wife, the goddess Hepat Teşup'un also started to hold an important place, even in a position Arinna'nın became synonymous with the sun goddess. In a document it is said:
"All countries of the master of the queen, the sun goddess Arinna'nın! Line Arinna'nın in the country you get the name of the sun goddess, the cedar tree in the country get Hepat name."
Interestingly, even after centuries Apuleius will use such an expression. Many gods and goddesses in relief equal importance are depicted side by side. There are also descriptions of the divine couple Yazılıkaya'da. Besides, the couple's son is also important as a protective deity.
Among the most important, of course, the sun goddess is the goddess of Arinna'nın. There are different assumptions about Arinna city. However, based on what is the most powerful and arkeolojil evidence, is that Arinna'nın Alacahoyuk. Arinna'nın sun goddess is also important in the life of the kingdom. II.Murşili (MÖ1345-1315) has long been neglected and portrayed the victory of the cult was connected to it:
"I am your majesty, my father on the throne I sat around all the enemies with me to war engaged. But I'm not an enemy country against the time before Arinna city of the sun goddess, with ceremonies and I've revised my [...] and she called out: Arinna'nın sun goddess! Me sir , next to me coming down and [...] your territory who wish to surrounding enemy nations to destroy.! and Arinna'nın sun goddess that I heard and came to me. Then my father to the throne sat not, the surrounding enemy nations in the decade I beat them down I shot. "
Hepat other goddesses, such as timing, this was very important and "protocols" have their place.
* Local Gods
Ahmet Unal Hitiler'in local perspective to the gods about the plot in the palace of the Hittite text called a fortune in the operation explained in the text it seems very good. This is the text of a fortune, and the incident is asked opinions about the gods. (Fal topic will be covered in detail later). This text is an important place Arušna city of god. Unal explained that God is:
"Temple, the cult and cult personnel Arušna'da the Hittites to the very foreign and name of the unknown is a god. The alien, despite great king's illness because Hittite palace with her close relationship in the form. Very touchy and delicate to be a god, and the fortunes of the text to be written that is why was. Because the king's illness in his reference is not, therefore, the wrath has come. anger of another cause, the queen a dream through wanted the gold wreath of the accessories along with his offer to not, the chamberlain's home reserve is. Therefore, God's anger to calm the atonement must be had great king kept the disease survived after an apologetic ritual to attend in person Arušna'ya to go, fortunes tool, respectively. All these efforts despite the god's wrath subsided that was not, and apparently this foreign god cult of well known non-Hittite priests, God's care, the ritual of done so. Arušna'lı priests were forced to leave. "
In addition to these events by other local gods gained importance.
* Animal Gods
In addition, animal-shaped Hitilerde (zoomorphique) there are gods. Hitilerde animal-shaped containers are tools zoomorf cult god idea. Due to the storm god symbolized by the bull-bull-shaped containers are the most important. Here's a must stop on the issue in more detail. II.Muwatalli but in a Hittite text of the prayer) is mentioned as follows:
"The bull run in front of Hatti'nin Sherry Storm God, sir, I pray that my words as reported to the gods!" Gentlemen, Lord of heaven and earth and the gods are typical for this word. "
According to the bull we see here is accompanied by a storm god, and has been mediating between the gods insdanlar. Thus we have seen in relief scenes of bull-worship is more meaningful.
This is a role similar to the Greek mitolijisindeki Hermes'inkine.
Also bear / human-shaped figures were included in the art of the Hittites.
Sfenks'tir interesting figures in the art of the Hittites. Sphinx and the Egyptian origin of Hittite art have passed through Syria.
Hittite gods for a long time, although we give names of places in Anatolia dates is necessary to emphasize the continuity in terms Kubaba.
Since the time of the Great Hittite Empire, one of the most important center in northern Syria, which has been Carchemish. During this period, the vassal king of the Hittite kingdom, by family yöneytilen Carchemish, the Hittite Empire collapsed after the "Late Hittite Empire" as being continued. The most important one of these centers also Kubaba'dır tanrçalarından. Seen here with great respect Kubaba will then live with the name of Cybele in Anatolia.
In the cult of the Hittite gods
Hittite gods and the cult of cults is the state religion, in fact, officials of the state cult of the god görevlileridir.Hitit rock / open-air temple holds an important place. Today, has been examined in detail below, has reached a very open-air temple. Many also, unfortunately, was destroyed by treasure hunters. Among these are the most important Yazılıkaya. The parade of gods and goddesses have been established in more than 60 gods. God at the beginning of a pointed hat and a belted waist with knees down when you have clothes, a cylindrical head at the beginning of the goddess and blouses and pleated skirts over them vardır.Yazılıkaya 'show in the pantheon of gods seems largely Hurrian. As human gods of the Hittites (antropomorphique) because they think "House of God as" the great importance of the temple was considered. The temples were full of God's house. The statue of the god or goddess is about to stop here, and god or goddess in the temple where the statue was inanılırdı.Tanrı is only the king, queen and selected the statue as the priests were allowed to enter the room. Someone else, especially modified so that a foreigner to enter put to death.
Hattusas in smaller cities such as major temples in the temple, there were smaller. In general, the temple's main courtyard and rooms overlooking a courtyard in the center were present. Kutsdal room where the statue of the god of the temple is on the back was able to get a light from two sides.
There were two rooms in the temple in the holy Hattusas. One of the rooms as the storm god, the other was issued on behalf of the Sun Goddess düşünülmektedir.Yazılıkaya Arianna'nın as the open-air temples were much different. Special ceremonies and festivals are celebrated here (new years) were held. As temples and religious centers also have become an economic center as well. Here only the gifts and donations to the temple at the same time is not stored grain warehouses are seen as functions. (It is impossible to generalize here, but it has been inferred in the light of the excavations.) With statues of gods or idols represented by these objects belong to a cult, according had. This is decorated with statues around the worship ceremony, as ceremonies around the statue to a car used to be boarded. At the end of this statue of Jesus, açıkhavaya, woods, forest, or in high places where sacrifices are being taken to move ZI.KIK, eat, and games were being played. Line to the Gods of the ceremony, a ceremony to the gods than others to be happy, and dance, acrobatics and various entertainment shows almakdaydı place. Moreover, as the protector of the city used to be an offering to God. Precious metals as a gift offered to the gods as food, beverages offer. Libasyon1 a presentation format was also used very often. Alp these ceremonies are described:
"King of the leading role to play, queen, prince and princess and the state's most high-ranking officials with the participation of actual religious holiday ceremonies, ceremonial procession and many times tapınakdaki cult hall god statue or altarının before the animals were sacrificed and given to drink the (Hittite šipant-) and bread break (Hittite pars-) and other food presentation or adorasyon (worship) in the stages song, music and sometimes dance with the accompaniment to the great importance had. [...] The scenes which the gods sacrifice offered or worship if that god mensub the ethnic In the language of the group (eg Hattice, Luwicw, Pala vehicle, or Hurrice Nešaca) had us singing to pieces. Text of this language we uncovered the lyrics. All the ethnic groups had different singers. "
Yasar Coskun, and his work on the vessel containing the names of the text that gives us information about the ceremonies:
"The next morning the king of the gods inside the house goes to pieces and her soft wheat bread harşiialli'sine2 puts the victim."
"Then [one sacrificial thin bread of God x] e [track] s, on the cut [Province has] the liver (and) his heart [put], liver on the one cooked brisket meat [and] them, then the victim desk sets. Wine huprushi3 in front (as the victim drinks) offers. Then one fine bread pieces in the storm god. put on the cut liver, heart, liver, beef brisket cooked on one, [and onl] bee put the victim to the table "
Text of a directive related to temple officials said the temple provides insight into the cult. This text is being asked to clean the temple employees, are required to even make the cut even. Also clean pigs and dogs are not accepted are asked to be careful not to enter. What employees have been offered sanctuary to the gods themselves do not consume or with relatives, especially emphasized. Officials "that the gods because nothing tells us it does not do anything," he should not have, because "God's spirit is strong, rushing to catch does not. But the catch when turned on." This quote also the temple officials of God over fear not, and the presentation language as they shared their shows.
Also interesting here is the directive:
"If any one woman lying next to it (o) of the gods worship what arranged if (and) to the god of food (and) drink (what means) shall, if the woman next to (the) same way about it. Then the woman lying next to you. Dawn when immediately wash you. In the morning god of cooking time immediately (the temple), there are. If he neglect if it's for (the) major crime. If the who of a woman lying next if his supervisor (or) big from the back (a cult task) to shoulder to it (right) sings. If he dared to say can not tell your friend you and washed you. if he knowingly put off if (and) yet without washing of the gods, the victims of bread and the victim a drink next to the dirty approach, this case his friend knows and if he 'evil will (even) if it conceals, but in the back occurs if the [ their] the death penalty (is). They let both die. "
Many of the Hittites holiday / festival had. Day 18 until the investigations were the result. The most important one is the spring festival, called Purulliyaş doubt. This line originates from the root word as "world" means. With various rituals and myths of this feast, and to explain the revival would be a celebration.
AN.TAH.SUM.SAR Hittites referred to as the Feast Day of plants, 38 days ilkbahrda ongoing fall in the 21 days continues TARRIIASHAS Nun.
In the Hittite is an interesting holiday feast or Hadauri. Balcioglu is explained that the holiday's kutlanış:
"During this holiday what more nor a partial description does not exist, other holidays frequently encountered, drink, bread, various animals and different food types, etc.. Presented whether present or not do not know. Hadauri festival passes all the text places the victim animals as sheep to present this festival from others twenty is the most important feature. [...] Another feature of this festival, including the Spring and Autumn is celebrated twice a year. "
This holiday sun god, god of the storm, and some are celebrated in the temple of the gods of Hatti origin. This festival is celebrated within the AN.TAH.SUM.SAR was also considered.
Sacrifice by pouring it into the soil
Jars of smaller vessels
Biggish pots, bowls
In Hittite Beliefs Related to Nature
In the Hittite with the nature of the cult that was also seen in research. Existing fountain in the Hittite pantheon / resource gods / goddesses, Hitiler'in water resources, they are regarded as sacred springs are shown. Eflatunpınar'daki monuments have confirmed this view.
Hittites in the mountains and the mountain was considered sacred to the gods believed. There were also ceremonies of every mountain. The long skirted the mountain gods in general, are depicted as sharp as külahlı. Symbols are seen in the mountains above the suit oladuğu. There is also some indication of the horn. When we think of the mountains in the country of the Hittites in Anatolia tapımının mountain seems to be normal. In fact it only operate in his study on the origin of the mountain gods are connected to the outside and interesting conclusions are:
1. Hittite god of the mountain is alien to the religion and the arts, has come from outside.
2. The oldest depiction of God according to our current knowledge of the mountains in Syria Mari's oversize (eighteenth century BC), Syrian-style seals (XV-XIII BC. Yy), northern Mesopotamia (BC XV.yy) and Kassit is seen in the art.
3. Patterns of mountain gods and the Mitanni-hur regions are understood to be gone and it is generally accepted ideas.
4. The first depictions of the mountain gods completely stone facade is made of plastic arts, they are bearded, down, up and out to indicate that God's purposes, is depicted .[...]
5. 11. Anatolian Hittites in the art according to our current knowledge of the mountain god depicted XIII BC. century since we met. Hittite cuneiform texts, the mountain gods of various records relating to the nature of the race. Old Hittite Empire period required between the State and Empire in the period of the circuit and have been detected in Anatolia at the time of impact Hur hur god along with other mountain gods have taken place in the pantheon of the Hittites is possible.
In Hittite and Divination Divination
The Hittites, the will of the gods, outraged when they already have admitted to horoscopes to find out why. Besides these topics, but much simpler in fortunes seems to have been admitted. Fortunes here should be considered differently than predicted, and given signs of the gods must be different. We need to understand that fortune, leading a person's fortune, about an event is to ask God's opinion. Durmda against it at the same time a confession to God that is in question. See a variety of methods are used in Hittite fortunes. To look at internal organs of animals, to follow the flight of birds such as the Hittites In practice is also available. In addition, the movement of water in the pool to look at the snakes, like some kind of game is played with stones, such as the fortune fortune fortune methods used.
Most applicable, is to ask questions, positive or negative. This will provide information about a section of text is a fortune:
"His Majesty's illness Concerning: [........ and] Aruşna city [god] heat majesty of the disease in any of the questions of [mıştır. O God for this girl If, birinici the sign is positive and the last while as I] negative whether . First the signs are positive [...] Aruşna city of god (Majesty's) disease, because in spite determined that when it comes to: "O God, in any way, the temple in the anger you. (if so) the sign is negative you. Left suti negative. O my god if (only) If you have anger in the temple, but to his majesty [ka] RSI did not any of the girls, to get good marks. "
The text is so long away. As we have seen here, has been used frequently in the fortunes of the Hittites. A fortune in the Hittite texts has enabled us to learn about many issues.

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