10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi


In addition to being the capital of France, science, culture, art in such fields as one of the world's leading centers adopted in Paris, has nearly 2000 years of history. Seine River, which was established on both sides of the city, is located in the northern part of France with a turn and spiral around the center of the county is divided into 20 consecutive. City, the river north of the Right Side of the remaining sections, the section south of the Left Bank, was named.

Paris, crossed the Channel from the mouth of the River, 375 km inland spills are you.Nevertheless, the Seine River via canals and rivers into the Mediterranean Sea and the Channel to Germany, Belgium and France are also connected to other parts of the city is considered a haven for. Paris, Orly and Charles de Gaulle international airport has two names.

Paris city plan is usually two or more flats in each floor, six-story apartment buildings are located. The cafes in the city boulevards of Paris are popular destinations for most of the people. Transport in Paris, the automobile, bus and subway is right. France's roads and railways all over the country are starting from Paris. In the industrial area south of the city's tanneries, cement, beer and tobacco factories are. Aircraft, locomotives, electric vehicles, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, industrial products between Paris. Paris is also France's film production center.

Paris in many ways New York, London or another European city rather than the business atmosphere has accelerated in the air. Parisians are famous for being rude and arrogant created. If Parisians are rude to them nevertheless shown that even a small kindness is reversed immediately. Into a shop when you enter say you'll "Bonjour, Madame", one's attention when you want to use "excusez-moi," or accidental one hit or when you make a mistake when you Sorry to say the sullen shop assistants even a smiling assistant and most cantankerous person or sympathetic citizens can make . Politeness is very important in France.

Paris - Eyfel Kulesi

Inner city residents typically Parisian crowd of people waiting at the sober tone of the conversations are. Train or subway to look for people who speak loudly expressed their discomfort. These people often return from work they are tired of the noise is very disturbing.Vast majority of those who live in Paris do not like to deal with tourists, but politely asked all French will help you with your problem.

To visit Paris is a bad idea to rent a car. In addition to traffic congestion, especially around tourist sites are hard to find parking. These streets were built long before the invention of cars, is not suitable for navigation by car. Most Parisians do not have a car that is so. Vaux-le-Vicomte castle still like the car you can go to places outside the city. In such cases, the rental car to a location outside of Paris would be more appropriate.

Take a walk in Paris is one of the greatest pleasure to live. If you are able to deter entry into the numerous cafes and shops all within two hours of a city is able to pass through. 2012, the center of the city completely by foot, bicycle or ride in the subway is planned to be made.Within a few years, the 1 2. 3. and 4 regions are thought to be completely closed to traffic.
Will go where the distances are less than two stops, to walk rather than ride the subway to get to know the city is the best choice in terms.

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