14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba


Bolivia summary
Bolivia, the peso currency, at the Ernesto Che Guevara Revolution preparations were caught by soldiers killed in Bolivia is a country of South America. Capital Sucre is, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Potosi other major cities birkaçıdır.İspanyol Colonialism during the Upper Peru called to the area, then South America, the Spanish yoke liberated from the Simon Bolivar memorial Bolivia (Bolivar's country) was named. all

Bolivya: El Fuerte ruins

tiahuanaaco on the north side of Lake Titicaca in the region by examining the remains has been obtained. Here, the results of excavations Anno Domini Between 100 and 600 years is estimated to belong to an advanced civilization that has many ruins. Which constitute the majority of inhabitants in Bolivia today Aymarslar are probably the descendants of the founders of this civilization. Towards the middle of the fifteenth century by the Incas in Peru now, Bolivia's Altiplano region by defeating some of Aymarsların seized. However Aymarslar moved closer to the mountains and the Incas began to deal with living there. They took the mountain under its influence. Francisco Pizarro in 1531 he commanded the Spanish arrived here, they do İnkalarla 1528'de result of the war have seized the whole of Bolivia.

Spanish 16 century, the rich silver deposits at the legendary native blacks brought from Africa as slaves, and ran. The city of Potosi in the center of the colony in 1650 with a population of 150,000 was the largest city in Latin America. Spanish administration of their locals on the 17th and 18th editions vukua political revolution was a series of centuries. In 1780 a local group, led by La Paz rebelled and they called the guerrilla war conducted by the defeat, many were destroyed. The first independence movement, launched in 1809 and independence was declared. Started but did not accept the independence of the Spanish as a result of the long war, in 1825 the Spanish on Bolivia's independence, were forced to accept. They established a republic and Chaguisaca Bolivian city of Sucre to the capital with their names.

The war lasted until 1883 in Bolivia and Peru, and Bolivia lost to Chile in the Pacific coast to Chile, was forced to leave. When he lost the war, the 1903 acre area in Brazil, Paraguay in 1932 and left a portion Chaconun. Long period of civil unrest in several countries have been shaken. Mines de 1966 a 1952, the government again was transferred to the private sector. The price adjustments in 1974, the country was cause great confusion to arise. Hundreds of natives were killed. In 1976, authorities seized the army took over the management. Finally the army in 1982 after several years of turmoil in July, bringing the case to the Presidential General Guido Vildoso'yu calmed down.

Physical Structure

Bolivia has a different structure is visible, is divided into three major regions. First: Countless curves, hills covered with snow Ilkampane'de nearly 7000 meters in height with a great beauty who is the Andean region. They extend 640 km from the Bolivian Andes. Cordillera Occidental and Cordillera Mountains between Mount Criental Altiplano Plateau at an altitude of 4500 m to 4000 runs. Most of the Bolivian people live here.

The second largest region, interrupted by several uninhabited valley in the eastern region consists of mountains. This region is divided into two parts. First, the normal temperatures, little rain and sterile plants, the valleys are characterized. To the north and northeast toward the second half of the tropical climate, the low valleys are characterized by abundant vegetation.

Bolivia's third district, where more than two-thirds of the country occupying the land is flat. Lowland valleys of the southeastern part of Bolivia's largest Chaco Valley, which constitutes Gron. Although there are rich oil deposits in this area is very underdeveloped. Chaco tropical lowlands in the northern reaches of the valley, where the trees are common greens and pampas.

Rivers and lakes: the most important river Desagudero'dur 3500 m above sea level and flows down. The most important lake is Lake Titicaca. If there is another river that is insignificant.


Tropical climate in the entrance area of the high plateaus of Bolivia are remarkably cold, low in the region is marked by the sweltering heat. Altiplano region, an area with wind and rain is less. The annual average temperature of 10 ° C.. Cochabamba'da these temperatures as low as -20 ° C, at 18 ° C up to Sucre'de. Yungas valley and flat lands, but too much rain they get. Cold winds from the south "Surazos" soften rüzgaları hot and dry weather. Chaco region is hot and dry during the summer period. In winter is rainy.

Natural resources

Bolivia's climate and vegetation according to elevation changes. 4500 meters above the ground in many areas and have very few plants are treeless. Small amount of timber trees in the Altiplano region, where plants such as thorns, and moss, tough grasses are also available. Eucalyptus (Malaria tree) is grown. As the fall height, the amount and types of plants increases. Tropical rain forests are frequently found in the northeast. In this forest of cedar, mahogany and palm trees are as hard as.

Animals, alpacas, eagles, Condor, monkeys, jaguars, puma many varieties of snakes, birds and a variety of colorful parrots are scattered in various parts of the country. Fishing is also an important source of income.

Bolivia is rich in mines. But the rich silver tin ore, bismuth, lead and other metals, are removed from Altiplano valley. Silver is a true mountain, is situated in the hills Potesi the Altiplano region. Considerable amount of tungsten, zinc, copper, antimony and gold are. Petroleum deposits were found in the Chaco region.

Bolivya: Laguna Quirusillas

Population and Social Life

More than half of the population is indigenous in Bolivia. One third of the "Cholos" with his grandfather, known as white is a blend of indigenous (Hybrid is). Aymarslar important that indigenous groups, in some parts of the valleys and Altiplano region live. Cholos tribe in Bolivia is the most colorful and diverse traditions of the tribe.

15% of the population is white. Hispanic origin is. Some of these hybrids with native organisms. Although the official language in Spanish, but 36% of the population speaks this language on a daily basis. Those who speak Spanish are also spoken Aymarsların or Queshuaların language. 95% of the country is Catholic. 60% of the population in rural areas, 40% live in the city. There are very few blacks. The capital of La Paz and Sucre, Potesi, crystal, and major cities are the cities of Santa Cruz. Elementary education shall be compulsory. 65% of the population does not know reading and writing.


An independent political life in the Republic of Bolivia, who frequently was interrupted because of military coups. President of the Council of Ministers elected by the people and holds executive powers. Legislative powers of the House of Representatives and the Senate committee's 157-member National Congress in the hands. La Paz, the administrative center of the country, judicial center Sucre'dir.


Bolivia's economy is based on the foundation of the mining. Long period of Spanish silver, tin and copper mines as an important move to have his own. Bolivia at the moment, among the mineral-rich countries. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century operated silver mines, 20 century, silver or tin operations took place and became the head of Bolivia's exports. The second is in terms of world tin production.

Agriculture: two-thirds of the working population employed in agriculture, although a significant portion of the country's food needs are imported. Potatoes, barley, breakfast cereals with a refurbished product quinua are mainly grown in high places. Peas, wheat, corn, grown in the Altiplano region. Yungos in corn, wheat, green vegetables and fruit are produced.

Industry: Political instability is preventing the development of industry and assessment of resources is not to lead. The main products of oil refining, sugar and raw horse meat is. Shipbuilding, furniture, textile products is limited. In recent years, mines have been focused on the construction of factories for business.

Bolivya: Finally we made it

Transport: air transport in Bolivia to the sea without a shore, with road and rail are provided. The total length of waterways to transport around 14 500 km. La Paz and Santa Cruz are international airports.

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