14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

Antarctic, antartica

All information about the Antarctic Continent

Antarctic continent and the world's view of the position
In the south and south yarımküresinin
is. Southern hemisphere

containing the south pole
South Pole, the world axis at the bottom (south end) identifying the remaining points. "South of the legendary continent of" found after a search of the 200-year, but 1840 has been concluded successfully. Sailing along the coast road area about 2000 km Charles Wilkes, the Arctic sea, comprising the contrary, the South Pole is a continent where he really proved himself.

Africa, southern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean east of the Indian Ocean in the west and north of the Antarctic continent. Black Africa is one of the ancient world, with 30.218 million km ² surface area between the continents of Asia and America, then come in third place. African name, Carthage by the Romans who first set foot on "Africans" or "Africani" is inspired by the name of the tribe are called. African name given to this country during the Punic wars.

In the north of the country in Oceania, which is the only continent without. The world's fifth largest continent. Surface area of 14,107,637 square kilometers. Each side is covered with snow around the south pole, always stormy, and a piece of land is surrounded by ice. Antarctica, Ross Sea and the Gulf and the Antarctic Peninsula, except for Wendel main hatlarıyle is almost circular.

Antarctic research, the first between the years 1772 to 1775 Captain
The island continent of many countries and Australia. Guneyinde Asia, north of Antarctica, is located on the edge of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

James Cook was commanded by a British team. Later in 1819 the British
Image: Captainjamescookportrait.jpg | thumb | 250px | James Cook

William Smith discovered the South Shetland Islands. N. Americans Brown Palmer, then the peninsula appears to be Ozleans the passage, Palmer found the name of the northwest coast.

By 1820

Between the years 1830 to investigate Antarctica's more work was done. Fabian von Bellngshausen around the continent by a Russian researcher in 1821 and has discovered many islands. 1823'te British sailor James Weddell Sea found itself with the name mentioned. Dumont d'Urville French researchers has drawn 1840 map of the Adelie Coast. U.S. naval captain, Charles Wilkes, between the years 1838-1842 as a result of his research as a continent of Antarctica was revealed. Kıt'anın
In the Indian Ocean coast to coast had seen his name was given.

India, Africa and Oceania are translated by the world's third largest ocean. In south Asia, the sea between Africa and Australia. 20 ° east longitude from the Atlantic, with a 147 ° east longitude, is separated from the Pacific Ocean. This sea is the smallest in the ocean. The distance between Australia and Africa is approximately 10,000 kilometers. Km2yi area of 74.9 million, together with arms finds.

James Clark Ross, with his name mentioned, between 1839-1843, were completely free of ice, found a body of water. Then continued on its way into the soil arrived at Victoria. Ross, however, land has never set foot. In 1895 the Norwegian Leonand Kristensen, Ceupe team pulled to shore near the island and returned to the team as a winter stay kıt'ada.

Since the last decade of the nineteenth century, the discovery kıt'aya trips was increased. Captain Robert Falcon Scott, Nils Ofto Swiss Gustar, Ernest Henry and Jean Charcot Shacleton kıt'anın like a lot of researchers have discovered a lot.

Norwegian Roald Amundsen in 1911, the German Wilhelm Filcner, British Robert Scott, and Japanese Avurturyalı Dauglas Mawon kıt'aya It was a team of Nobu Shiruse'den occurring. The goal of all was the South Pole. Amundsen reached the pole first. Mc Murdo Sound reached from behind a pole. However, in turn, bit of food and animals were killed by freezing because of fatigue.

The use of aircraft in the Arctic and Antarctic discovery of a new era has opened. Sir Hubert Wilkins successful flights over Antarctica was the first time. Between 1928-30, Richard E. Reconnaissance planes made flights with Byrd and Amundsen set up base at a location near where the "Little America Base" was established. Mentioned his name, who discovered the east kıt'anın Byrd, pious times with aircraft and ships made kıt'aya time.

1926 to 1937, the Norwegians to make maps of various parts found in their study. Mandi queen of the land along the rocky shores after making a detailed map of the lake ice is not found. These are sufficiently de-ice the summer sun, the beach with debris flows in the neck, melting snow are causing the lake.

1923 to 1939 in the new continent, a new, large areas were found. Since 1935, several flights Ellworth yapdı during these flights has found his name mentioned with the region. The British continued with various research in the area. This study went into a recession during the Second World War.

Americans Richard H. Cruzen with soldiers went to the continent. Wedali Antarctic Peninsula and the whole Antarctic Sea coast into the area outside the court drew a map of the air.

Then the British, the Norwegians, the Swedes, the French have been conducting various research and a variety of bases established in the Antarctic.

International Geophysical Year on the occasion of the meeting held by the research team proposed the establishment of a work program created for this team. Established team of scientists from various states took part in many places were discovered kıt'anın. December 31, 1958 after the end of the program successfully, for the continuation of scientific research "in Antarctica, the Special Committee on Research" (SCAR) called an international commission was established.

During the Antarctic Treaty, held in cooperation with the international scientific projects have increased. They also edit individual countries are continuing their research projects. To protect the animals living on the shores of the continent in 1982 Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Life was founded.

Today, in the framework of existing treaties, the sources kıt'ada regularly use some more work to be done.

Snow and ice cover, according kıt'alara other locations outside of the average height is doubled, the average is 1830 meters. The thickness of ice and snow over the land mass of around 2000 m on average. Find the highest point is 4270 meters.

Antarctica is the world's coldest regions. Coastal margins, and higher than the inside is hot. Vostok station in 1960 at a height of 3962 meters -88.3 degrees records were read by the coldness of the world. The average temperature in the coldest months at -20 ° C to -30 ° C on the coast, the inland, between -40 ° C to -70 ° C varies. Precipitation in the form of snow.

Temperature does not go much above the freezing point of the most vicious in terms of scarce plants and animals is the journeying. Just north facing, sun on the slope toward the rock and plant forms are extremely small. Botanists and along the sides of mountains near kıt'anın 400 were met in various algae species.

The continent's 20 ° and 80 ° longitude of the Antarctic Peninsula and Shetland between Britain sovereignty; Ross dependency region of New Zealand sovereignty; Australian Antarctic Territory, Macquarie Heard and Mc Donald Australian sovereignty, Marion and Prince Edward Island South Africa, Republic of sovereignty; Kerguden the Crozet Archipelago, a new Amsterdam, Adelie land, sovereignty, France, Bouvet, S. Pierre Island Norway sovereignty; Falklanda area between Ross and the U.S. are under the sovereignty.
Antarctic Lakes
Scientists, many miles of Antarctic ice at the bottom of lakes and rivers are connected to each other the secret was revealed. According to British scientists who do research in Antarctica, issuing out of the river, taking samples from the lake by drilling plans should be revised.

Interconnected lakes and rivers because it is secret, one that could create the risk of pollution also affected the other reveals. These lakes, on issues such as climate change and global warming for millions of years ago that the secrets of the store is viewed as a time capsule. Moreover, research done in lakes, glacier-covered ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa, believed to contain, and may shed light on other planets as well.
You can get thousands of lakes. Previously, the world's ice house because the extreme cold of Antarctica, the continent could be unfrozen lake or pond was not unlikely.
The radar and satellite studies of the 1960s, then a thick layer of ice beneath the lakes that were uncovered. So far proved the existence of continents and thousands of lakes 150 lakes may occur again. The largest is Lake Vostok. Antarctica is so far the largest body of water of Lake Vostok. 250 The length of the lake, reaching up to 40 kilometers in width. Depth of approximately 400 meters.
NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences, now with the lake water samples from the drilling is planned to take. Millions of years, ice-covered lakes of hitherto unknown species are believed to have.

Antartika'daki streams (ice streams)
Streams in the Antarctic continent, Antarctica, ice was all due to its location on earth. This causes all the rivers in the Antarctic continent is known as ice or ice streams. Glacial streams in the Antarctic continent is as follows:
• to Bailey Ice Stream
• the Bindschadler Ice Stream (Ice Stream D a)
• Byrd Glacier to the River
• the David Glacier River
• the Denman Glacier River
• River to the Glacial DeVicq
• the Evans Ice Stream
• the Foundation Ice Stream
• Institute of the ice stream
• River to the Glacial Jutulstraumen
• Kambiz the ice stream (ice stream C)
• Streams to the Lambert Glacier
• Land of the Ice Streams
• MacAyeal TV to stream (ice stream E)
• the Mercer Ice Streams (A to Ice Stream)
• Streams to the Mertz Glacier
• River ice to Möller
• the Mulock Glacier River
• the Ninnis Glacier River
• Pine Island Glacier River map
• River to the Glacial Rayner
• Recovery to Ice Streams
• the Rutford Ice Stream
• Scott River to the Glacial
• the Shirase Glacier River
• the Slessor Glacier River
• Smith River to the Glacial
• Support Force to Glacier River
• River map Stancomb-Wills Glacier
• the Thwaites Glacier River
• Totten Glacier to the River
• the Whillans Ice Stream
• Van der Veen TV to stream
Robert Falcon Scott, an English sailor and explorer. South Pole, Roald Amundsen reached a month later on January 17, 1912 is the second person. Scott, on June 6, 1868 near Davenport came into the world. After completing his naval officer, was charged by the British navy began working in various ships.

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