10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi

Ephesus In Turkey

The first era, one of the most famous cities of the ancient city of Ephesus, Küçük Menderes river water discharge has been established near the gulf. Arable land, to the East opened up the way for greater trade, have an important religious center of idolatry in the form both of the Christian era,
to pass into history as a great city has provided. Has announced the name of science and the art world, famous people trained. Their interpretation of dreams Ardemidotus, poet and Hipponax Callinos, philosopher Heraclitus, Painter Parrhasius, Zenodotos grammar knowledge, physicians and Rufus'tur Soranos. The history of the ancient city of Ephesus M.Ö.6000 URLs which it extends, and in recent years Arvalya Çukuriçi finds revealed in the mound.

Ayasuluk Hill during excavations here today from the early Bronze Age settlements have continuously showed up. This is also the former Hill Ayasuluk Ephesus, where the Tribes and the Hittites of Anatolia was settled by Canada. Hittite texts also Apasas in this city is the last city that became final. Strabo and Pausinias ancient writers, history Herodotus, the ancient sources Callinos Efes'li poet Ephesus was established by the Amazon and indigenous people have pointed out Karians create and Leleg.

M.Ö.11-century Athens, the son of King Kodros'un Androklos, like other colonists had arrived in Anatolia, is located around the ancient city of Ephesus. According to legend, Androklos way to build a new city will consult the priests before. Priests where he founded the city will be represented by a fish and wild boar will tell. Anatolian coast of the island of step with the man they caught fish Androklos pan, while the splash of a fish jumped out of the pan sparks will ignite bushes. Located behind the bushes, fearing a wild boar to escape the flames begin. Remember what I said Andraklos priests and the horse will follow, and it kills the wild boar and wild pigs killed over the city will set up. This myth is depicted in the frieze of the Temple of Hadrian. The original of this relief in the Ephesus Museum sergilenmektedir.Helenler when they come here almost every part of Anatolia, as they found the Mother Goddess Cybele as chief god. To deal with indigenous peoples with the mother goddess Artemis began to worship in the same place a hold.

Artemis at Ephesus, the mother goddess of Anatolia, the fertility goddess Cybele was replaced. BC Artemis is the first temple built in 625 years. BC 7th century 'Cimmerians invaded the city and the Temple of Artemis will be razed. BC 560'da Lidyalı'lar is captured by the city of Ephesus Artemision moved around. Ephesus today visited by Alexander the Great's generals Lysimachos Mockingbird BC in the valley between the mountains and the Carnivalesque Was established in the 3rd century. One of the important trade centers of the Mediterranean sea, the city has become. BC The 2nd 'domination of the Romans began to fall rapidly, and Ephesus in Asia Minor as the capital of the Roman Empire, AD The 2nd 'la lived up to the most brilliant period. At that time, the city's population had reached 250 thousand.

Structure of the ancient city of Ephesus

- Magnesia Gate
- East Gymnasiomu
- Odeon
- State Agora
- Prytaneion (City Hall)
- Memmius Memorial
- Temple of Domitian
- Kuretler Street
- Trajan Fountain
- Skolastika Baths
- Latrina
- Temple of Hadrian
- Terrace Houses
- Love House
- Celsus Library
- Mazeus-Mithridates Gate
- Commercial Agora
- Marble Road
- Theatre
- Arkadiane Street
- Theatre Gymnasium
- Harbour Gymnasium and Baths
- Double Churches (consul Church)
- Stadium
- Vedius Gymnasium
- The Seven Sleepers
- Church of St.John
- Isa Bey Mosque
- Ayasuluk Castle

Ephesus Location
The ancient city of Ephesus, Izmir-Aydin highway access. 3 km distance from the ancient city of Ephesus in Selcuk, Kusadasi, from the left side of the road (after crossing the Temple of Artemis) of Ephesus, where the sign of the mall (at the same time the road is the road Seven Sleepers) is entered. Selcuk major roads intersect at a point where it is possible to provide access to the many bus companies. Go to the ancient city of Ephesus in Selcuk bus station is the Bus, if you go to your own vehicle or go to the ancient city of Ephesus short distance until you see it you have to realize there are many more things will be. If you wish to rent a bicycle from the center of Selcuk, or even a half-hour walk through the ancient city of Ephesus can be reached. However, only 1 km away from the ancient city of Ephesus in Ephesus, a small aircraft landing off airport is available to

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