14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba



Yayılmıstır chocolate from Mexico to the world

Avocado and ornamental peppers, and vanilla in Mexico is the homeland of many different versions mostly

meksikalı adam resimleri

Mexico is the homeland of the tomato

Meksika'dadir Latin America's best universities. (UNAM)

The first and only country in Latin America, Mexico is duzenleyen Olympics

Bull of the world's largest stadium in Mexico City is located in the neighboring

Mexico is Latin America's media giants

Mexico, Latin America's longest highway network with asfatlanmıs has

Latin America's largest airport in Mexico City Havaalanı'dir

Pemex (Mexican state company), Latin America's largest oil your business

The countries with the world's tourism industry is one of the largest (top 10)

Meksika'lılar, Latin America is a nation that spent the most money to took for a ride

In Mexico, the United States and Canada produce more cars

Most reptile species in the world is in Mexico. (707 species)

Most mammals have the world's 2 is land. (438 species)

Two of the world most amphibians (anfibiler) with type 4 is land. (209 species)

4 Most of the world's plant species is land. (26,000 species)

Capital, Mexico City, Latin Latin America's richest büyüksehridir

Latin America's first gokdeleni "Torre Latinoamericana" in Mexico City was built

Scientists found the first color television, "Guillermo González Camarena" Meksika'lıdır

meksika boğa güreşleri resimleri


The world's 11th most populous is the land (107 million)

Does compulsory military service: YES (12 months)

Capital punishment: NO

The average suicide: one hundred thousand in the fourth

Abortion is free: NO / YES (mandatory except in cases and in each state is different)

Alcohol: 18 age limit

Ban on drinking in streets and car

Children whose father and mother's surname or both are

The most popular male names of children: Alejandro, Eduardo, Juan Carlos, Ricardo

The most popular girls' names: Gabriela, Adriana, Mariana, Claudia,


Mexico, Latin America's largest media companies has

3 of tourism destinations major source of income

The world's 11th has the largest economy

The most important export products: Oil

Automobile production in the economy has a very big place

In huge economic differences between states are

Inequalities in income distribution is the problem of the country, most of this I

The most important agricultural products: corn, wheat, soy, rice, beans, cotton, coffee, fruit, tomato ..

Important dimensions of cattle and poultry production

The most important industrial commodities: petroleum, automobiles, chemically substances, tobacco and iron and steel


The world's 15th largest is land

One of the most naturally diverse countries in the world is

Boundaries in the rain forest and is one of a few countries have Coller.

2500 and plant species that are protected by the state official

Turkey, Iran and Colombia, greater than, Argentina and Saudi Arabia is less than


9 year compulsory education

The largest and best universities: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, UNAM (269 thousand students)

UNAM, the world's best üniveristeleri (2008) ranked 1 was

UNAM, Latin America's most well-universitesidir

UNAM is also a Spanish language education is the best university in the world

Largest and highest quality Private universities:
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM)

ITESM: chosen one of the world's best business School'larindan

Mexico's Autonomous Technological Institute (ITAM)

ITAM: Latin America's best known as the School of Economics


Mexico national sport: Charreada (a variant of the rodeo)

Mexico hosting the Latin American countries have done well in one country in the Olympics (1968)

The most popular sport: soccer

Baseball and basketball, car racing and other popular sports are also

The most popular soccer teams: Chivas, America, Toluca, Pachuca

Mexico is in the neighboring Bull of the world's largest arenas (55 000 capacity, Mexico City)


In Mexico, the state's "official" no religion.

State church does not make financial assistance

89% of the people, Catholic

The men of religion can not participate in elections as candidates

Until recently, religion, the men were unable to vote

World's largest 2 is a Catholic country (after Brazil)

MEXICO meal / Cuisine

Mexican cuisine is one of the world's largest kitchen

Aztec, Mayan and Spanish flavors come together

Hispanic cuisine has many different types of

The most famous dishes, and food:
Fajiats, tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, burritos, Tamales, mole

Traditional dishes from the state:
Puebla: mole poblano, chiles en nogada and chalupas

Monterrey, cabrito and machaca

Yucatan: cochinita pibil

Oaxaca: Tlayudas, barbacoa, chilaquiles, milanesas


Mexican Army, the world's largest army of two is

Mexico, Latin America spent the most money in the 2nd to the army great country

Army service is compulsory in

Navy and Air Force military gonüllüdür




Malaysia, a country where Muslims constitute a general population is approximately 55% of the country, even though you did is one of the powerful Islamic movement. Recently, however, Anwar Ibrahim in this country, some Muslim leaders olusumlardan ABIM'in libel laws to jail and then discharge the various discussions about some developments in that country was brought up. As of this debate, and both have the general structure and thought that this number Malezya'nin oldugunu taninmasina our needs in this country tanitiyoruz Geography of Islam.

General Info About Malaysia

Official Name: Malaysia

Capital: Kuala Lumpur (Population: 800 000)

Other major Cities: Ipoh, Pinang (George Town), Johor Baharu, Kelang, Kuala Terengganu, Port Kelang, Taiping, Kota Baharu, Seremban, Kuantan, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu,

Area: 330 434 km2.

Population: 22.5 million (1999 estimate). 43% of the population live in cities.

Population growth rate: 2.4%

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Ethnic structure: the most crowded ethnic group in Malaysia, which constitute 49% of the population Malaylar. Malaylar Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the yayilmislardir to Madagascar. Indonesian Malay language is very close to Konustuklari. Malaylar whole kind of Muslims in Malaysia. The second largest ethnic Chinese are the elements that have 35%. There are few in number of Chinese Muslims. The majority of Buddhists, Christians a part. There are also Hindistanli 10% rate. A small part Hindistanlilarin Muslims, the majority is Hindu. Hindistanlilar Chinese and from China and India are the immigrants who gelmis, Malezya'nin is not native. Javanese has the proportion of 3.1%. Javanese Muslims you whole. Ethnic population of water constitutes the remaining elements: Minangkabu (0.8%), Sama (0.8%), Melanau (0.4%), South Asian (0.35%), Bugi (0.2%), Kalabit, Hui, Molbog. The majority of these ethnic elements of the Muslim, Christian or local religion is also a part.

Languages: Official language Malayca'dir. Also true in English and Arabic languages. In Tamil and Chinese press as well as spoken languages of various ethnic elements.

Religion: Islam the official religion. 55% of the people kind of Muslims. They are generally Hanafi Sunni Muslims, and. Rate of 17% Buddhist, 11.6% konfüçyanist (Chinese religious members), the ratio of 7% Hindu, Christian has the proportion of 6%. The remaining population belongs to various local religions.

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Geographical status as the Southeast Asian countries Malaysia, northern Thailand, and Brunei in the South China Sea, east of Lake Selebes, southern Indonesia, Singapore and Malacca Bosphorus, with the west adjacent to the Andaman Sea with the Indian Ocean is surrounded. Is rich in rivers. The most important akarsulari Rejang, Ketantan, Perak and Sai Sai irmaklaridir Rompe. Malaysia land between two large land parçasiyla them located in the South China Sea islands occurs. West Malaysia and East Malezya'dir two big black part. A peninsula shaped western Malaysia and Thailand with a thin black baglantisiyla Siyam'a step depends on the current dir. East Malaysia, which dominated a large portion of Borneo island of Indonesia is in the. Topraklarinin agricultural area and 30%, 61% forest. A tropical rainy climate and are abundant in Malaysia. East Malaysia, West Malaysia yagislidir more.

Management shape: Malaysia krallikla managed and is a confederation based on multi-party democratic system. Confederation of states which constitute the federal krallikla are managed. In Malaysia, one of the four western provinces krallarindan yilligina general king that "great president" is elected. 31 August 1957, the country is governed by the constitution put into effect. Implemented a bicameral parliamentary system. The first assembly 69, the second assembly consists of 180 members. Members of this council is determined to free the general election. Malaysia, the UN, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the British Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealth), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Islamic Development Bank is a member of such international organizations.

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Political parties: the major political parties pressing Malezya'nin as follows:

United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) was founded Malezya'nin bagimsizligindan before. Countries are still leading the party. Formed the first government after independence. Occasionally Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) 'd entered into a coalition. But the committee stressed the importance of religion in Western-style secularism was adopted. Effect between the parties entered into a aydinlarin some Islamic states with positive bakiyordu Islâmizasyona kurumlarinda. This party still in power, the Islamic movement does not interfere Islamizasyona still trying tikamaya front. Herein may be said to be the important role of Western powers. It's the most important development in Western Malezya'yi lap economically significant way, this country has been shaken by the Asian crisis. Current general chairman is Prime Minister Mohammad Mahatir UMNO'nun water.

Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS): (see part at the Islamic movement.)

Democratic Action Party: We are supported by many Chinese.

Administrative division: 11 West, 2 in the 13 federal states in East Malaysia, 133 cities occurs. There is also the capital of a separate federal statute.

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Date: Malezya'nin batisiyla dogusunun date should be separately discussed. In the historical sources are referred to as West Malaysia Malaya. Buddhism and Islam to the area before receiving the various states kurmuslardir Brahmanistler here. After Islam came to Malaysia was founded in 1400. Founder of the city of Malacca Malacca Prince Prameswara throat kiyisindaki kralinin kiziyla married and became a Muslim and Pasha in the year 1414 the name was changed their Mecât Alexander Sah. Muslims in areas under his management olmasindan then began to spread rapidly Islam. West from India and Muslims and helped him. 1424'te Mecât Alexander died, and subsequent rulers tried to spread Islam in the country. Sah Sultan Muzaffer July sultanligina 1446'da Malacca became the official religion of Islam on time. Malacca at the same time, Islam in Southeast Asia took center becomes. Commercial and economic importance grew, and Muslim traders also came to visit here and more. Sah'in management rather than triumphant, and it was over 1458'e Sah was the son of Mansur. Mansur, who ruled until 1477'ye Sah Sultanligi around during the political and religious point of Malacca came to an effective position. Malaya'nin other regions in Indonesia Islam, and today, the Sumatran adasina under management also began to spread. This siralarda Portuguese colonialists began to disturb the area. 1511 limanini also seized Malacca. He holds the management of Sultan Mahmud of Malacca siralarda Portuguese karsisinda of the attacks could not stand anymore and he Johor'a Malakka'yi birakti them through a separate sultanate founded here. Until then, Johor, Malacca was a province Sultanligi'nin. After the Portuguese conquered Malakka'yi Christianise studies in this area baslattilar but olamadilar successful. Johor State, Malakka'yi Portuguese held back from the theater several times to get. Ottoman Empire in this action weapons, the support found in Aceh, soldiers Sultanligi. However, the results of these operations alinamadi. Malakka'ya Dutch colonists began to organize an attack since 1606 and bought by the hand of 1641'de de Portugal. Pahang in 1812, was Johor'dan ayrilarak independent state. Johor 1824 and divided again into two separate principalities Rio Lingga center was established. This ayrilmalar and then continued in the region Perak, Selangor, Kedah emerged a few principality. 18. Towards the end of the century the British colonizers came to the region and the severe assaults result 1786'da city of Penang, Kedah state bought in hand. Genislettiler the occupied areas of a base here and see then. In 1824 the Dutch took the Malakka'yi a wide area in the region was conquered and all local governments in the region to recognize the British protectorate zorladilar. Negri Sembilan in 1889, nine states consisting of the latest and pressing the federation under the auspices of the British entry into the Malay peninsula was completely British sultasina. All the natural riches of the region from the British side to their countries carrying in one hand, indigenous people of the Muslim fakirlestirdiler. A new awakening among the people of this state are hereby dogmasina movement. Since 1930, an organized activity dönüstü awakening movement. II. After World War struggle for independence was even more effective. Meanwhile, the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) was formed. However, some ethnic groups did not enter into this organization. Federation of Malaya in 1948, British control was established. August 31 Malezya'nin independence was declared in 1957.

Sarawak and Sabah state on Borneo that the Apartment Malezya'nin east of the 15th Islamic adasina century, entered early. Since 1826 the Dutch began to come here and invade. British colonists, but soon came to the island in 1841, Brunei and Sarawak states sultanligi by the British abandoned. June 14, 1888 Sarawak was officially subject to the UK. Brunei sultana de Sabah'i British birakti 1877. The independence of Sarawak and Sabah after a tanidiktan British Malezya'nin also drew from these two states and 16 September 1963 to the Confederation of Singapore or Malaysia katilmasiyla. Singapore ayrilarak separate from the confederation in 1965, became a state. Negri Sembilan kralliga Malezya'nin independent olmasindan first elected Abdurrahman sultana. Then, the respective water person landed Kingdom: Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (1960-61), Sayyid Harun Putra (1961-65), Ismail Nasiruddin Shah (1965-70), Abdul Sah massive (1970-75), Yahya Petra (1975-1979 ), Ahmed Sahu'l-Brass knuckles (1979-1984), Mahmud Alexander (1984-1989), Azlan Tuhanku Muhibbuddin (after 1989).

Dental problems: The Philippines and Indonesia, Sarawak and Sabah states on the East Malezya'yi forming ediyorlardi claims. Indonesia to Malaysia in 1963, so I opened the war. If this war ended in 1965, the Indonesian province of ordinary days vazgeçmis is not exactly related to claims.

Islamic Movement: Islamic government in Malaysia is significantly effective. This is also the country's Islamic movement a success. After the formal institutions of government in 1980 launched STUDY others more Islamized. Come to this stage in the continued existence of the state still has been the impact of the four main Islamic movements. This movement briefly tanitalim:

Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS): Independence to be established after the Islamic aspects of the state because they like to have the weighted UMNO'dan ayrilanlar order was founded in 1951. PAS'i program of establishing a political party of a particular religion sikistirilamayacagi area, a vital necessity kapsamasi seen were in each field and wants to establish UMNO'nun çikiyorlardi against the secular state model. PAS success by following a line in the first general elections in 1959 in Kelantan state and local governments established Terangganu. In the next period with the National Party formed a coalition government as well.

Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (AB I) was established in 1971, Malaysian Muslim Students Association members ögrencilerce. Shortly after the committee formed an alliance with rust. After 1974, under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim to travel significant distances. My Mevdudi'nin Islâmiye'yle Muslim Jamaat founded by the EU Kardesler'i own samples were acquired. I Malezya'nin EU in all areas like to have a country that is governed by the provisions of Islam. Current general chairman Dr ABIM'in water. Manuti'dir Muhammad Nur.

Notified of the congregation: a uzantisidir of Pakistan notified the community.

Daru'l-General Staff: 1968 Ashari was founded under the leadership of Muhammad. Weight is given to education and cultural activities and community to establish the Islamic way suurlandirilmasinin Islamic state was defended before the idea comes from. Was particularly effective among young people. But negatively affected the development of criticism against rust. Some superstitions then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad and deviations by falling kapatildi grounds.

In Malaysia, some of them even outside the Islamic development in small groups, there is. Malaysian Muslims, especially young people are famous bagliliklariyla religion. 70% of young people are fulfilling their religious duty. Among college youth of the Islamic movement is strong.

Economy: Malaysia's economy and agriculture in the first degree hayvanciliga withstand. Ürettigi at the beginning of agricultural products rice, rubber, palm seeds, pineapple, cocoa, and various fruits and vegetables come. As a long beach with fishing being the commoner. Provide close to the important contribution of the forest products economy. By local resources are rich. Most tin reserves are. However, during the British colonial order azaltilmistir mineral reserves. Since the 1970s, oil and natural gas are being produced and exported.

Industry: Malaysia at a good level in terms sayilir industry. Oil treatment facilities, besides cars, durable consumer goods, textiles, various foodstuffs, cement and other construction materials, furniture and wood products, paper and stationery supplies, chemicals, fertilizers, rubber, plastic goods, earthenware and metal goods, mechanical vehicles, electrical appliances, pharmaceuticals, palm oil, etc.. established factories that produce many more. Hasiladaki share of gross domestic manufacturing industry is 27%. Approximately 18% of the population is employed in industry has seen.

Antarctic, antartica

All information about the Antarctic Continent

Antarctic continent and the world's view of the position
In the south and south yarımküresinin
is. Southern hemisphere

containing the south pole
South Pole, the world axis at the bottom (south end) identifying the remaining points. "South of the legendary continent of" found after a search of the 200-year, but 1840 has been concluded successfully. Sailing along the coast road area about 2000 km Charles Wilkes, the Arctic sea, comprising the contrary, the South Pole is a continent where he really proved himself.

Africa, southern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean east of the Indian Ocean in the west and north of the Antarctic continent. Black Africa is one of the ancient world, with 30.218 million km ² surface area between the continents of Asia and America, then come in third place. African name, Carthage by the Romans who first set foot on "Africans" or "Africani" is inspired by the name of the tribe are called. African name given to this country during the Punic wars.

In the north of the country in Oceania, which is the only continent without. The world's fifth largest continent. Surface area of 14,107,637 square kilometers. Each side is covered with snow around the south pole, always stormy, and a piece of land is surrounded by ice. Antarctica, Ross Sea and the Gulf and the Antarctic Peninsula, except for Wendel main hatlarıyle is almost circular.

Antarctic research, the first between the years 1772 to 1775 Captain
The island continent of many countries and Australia. Guneyinde Asia, north of Antarctica, is located on the edge of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

James Cook was commanded by a British team. Later in 1819 the British
Image: Captainjamescookportrait.jpg | thumb | 250px | James Cook

William Smith discovered the South Shetland Islands. N. Americans Brown Palmer, then the peninsula appears to be Ozleans the passage, Palmer found the name of the northwest coast.

By 1820

Between the years 1830 to investigate Antarctica's more work was done. Fabian von Bellngshausen around the continent by a Russian researcher in 1821 and has discovered many islands. 1823'te British sailor James Weddell Sea found itself with the name mentioned. Dumont d'Urville French researchers has drawn 1840 map of the Adelie Coast. U.S. naval captain, Charles Wilkes, between the years 1838-1842 as a result of his research as a continent of Antarctica was revealed. Kıt'anın
In the Indian Ocean coast to coast had seen his name was given.

India, Africa and Oceania are translated by the world's third largest ocean. In south Asia, the sea between Africa and Australia. 20 ° east longitude from the Atlantic, with a 147 ° east longitude, is separated from the Pacific Ocean. This sea is the smallest in the ocean. The distance between Australia and Africa is approximately 10,000 kilometers. Km2yi area of 74.9 million, together with arms finds.

James Clark Ross, with his name mentioned, between 1839-1843, were completely free of ice, found a body of water. Then continued on its way into the soil arrived at Victoria. Ross, however, land has never set foot. In 1895 the Norwegian Leonand Kristensen, Ceupe team pulled to shore near the island and returned to the team as a winter stay kıt'ada.

Since the last decade of the nineteenth century, the discovery kıt'aya trips was increased. Captain Robert Falcon Scott, Nils Ofto Swiss Gustar, Ernest Henry and Jean Charcot Shacleton kıt'anın like a lot of researchers have discovered a lot.

Norwegian Roald Amundsen in 1911, the German Wilhelm Filcner, British Robert Scott, and Japanese Avurturyalı Dauglas Mawon kıt'aya It was a team of Nobu Shiruse'den occurring. The goal of all was the South Pole. Amundsen reached the pole first. Mc Murdo Sound reached from behind a pole. However, in turn, bit of food and animals were killed by freezing because of fatigue.

The use of aircraft in the Arctic and Antarctic discovery of a new era has opened. Sir Hubert Wilkins successful flights over Antarctica was the first time. Between 1928-30, Richard E. Reconnaissance planes made flights with Byrd and Amundsen set up base at a location near where the "Little America Base" was established. Mentioned his name, who discovered the east kıt'anın Byrd, pious times with aircraft and ships made kıt'aya time.

1926 to 1937, the Norwegians to make maps of various parts found in their study. Mandi queen of the land along the rocky shores after making a detailed map of the lake ice is not found. These are sufficiently de-ice the summer sun, the beach with debris flows in the neck, melting snow are causing the lake.

1923 to 1939 in the new continent, a new, large areas were found. Since 1935, several flights Ellworth yapdı during these flights has found his name mentioned with the region. The British continued with various research in the area. This study went into a recession during the Second World War.

Americans Richard H. Cruzen with soldiers went to the continent. Wedali Antarctic Peninsula and the whole Antarctic Sea coast into the area outside the court drew a map of the air.

Then the British, the Norwegians, the Swedes, the French have been conducting various research and a variety of bases established in the Antarctic.

International Geophysical Year on the occasion of the meeting held by the research team proposed the establishment of a work program created for this team. Established team of scientists from various states took part in many places were discovered kıt'anın. December 31, 1958 after the end of the program successfully, for the continuation of scientific research "in Antarctica, the Special Committee on Research" (SCAR) called an international commission was established.

During the Antarctic Treaty, held in cooperation with the international scientific projects have increased. They also edit individual countries are continuing their research projects. To protect the animals living on the shores of the continent in 1982 Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Life was founded.

Today, in the framework of existing treaties, the sources kıt'ada regularly use some more work to be done.

Snow and ice cover, according kıt'alara other locations outside of the average height is doubled, the average is 1830 meters. The thickness of ice and snow over the land mass of around 2000 m on average. Find the highest point is 4270 meters.

Antarctica is the world's coldest regions. Coastal margins, and higher than the inside is hot. Vostok station in 1960 at a height of 3962 meters -88.3 degrees records were read by the coldness of the world. The average temperature in the coldest months at -20 ° C to -30 ° C on the coast, the inland, between -40 ° C to -70 ° C varies. Precipitation in the form of snow.

Temperature does not go much above the freezing point of the most vicious in terms of scarce plants and animals is the journeying. Just north facing, sun on the slope toward the rock and plant forms are extremely small. Botanists and along the sides of mountains near kıt'anın 400 were met in various algae species.

The continent's 20 ° and 80 ° longitude of the Antarctic Peninsula and Shetland between Britain sovereignty; Ross dependency region of New Zealand sovereignty; Australian Antarctic Territory, Macquarie Heard and Mc Donald Australian sovereignty, Marion and Prince Edward Island South Africa, Republic of sovereignty; Kerguden the Crozet Archipelago, a new Amsterdam, Adelie land, sovereignty, France, Bouvet, S. Pierre Island Norway sovereignty; Falklanda area between Ross and the U.S. are under the sovereignty.
Antarctic Lakes
Scientists, many miles of Antarctic ice at the bottom of lakes and rivers are connected to each other the secret was revealed. According to British scientists who do research in Antarctica, issuing out of the river, taking samples from the lake by drilling plans should be revised.

Interconnected lakes and rivers because it is secret, one that could create the risk of pollution also affected the other reveals. These lakes, on issues such as climate change and global warming for millions of years ago that the secrets of the store is viewed as a time capsule. Moreover, research done in lakes, glacier-covered ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa, believed to contain, and may shed light on other planets as well.
You can get thousands of lakes. Previously, the world's ice house because the extreme cold of Antarctica, the continent could be unfrozen lake or pond was not unlikely.
The radar and satellite studies of the 1960s, then a thick layer of ice beneath the lakes that were uncovered. So far proved the existence of continents and thousands of lakes 150 lakes may occur again. The largest is Lake Vostok. Antarctica is so far the largest body of water of Lake Vostok. 250 The length of the lake, reaching up to 40 kilometers in width. Depth of approximately 400 meters.
NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences, now with the lake water samples from the drilling is planned to take. Millions of years, ice-covered lakes of hitherto unknown species are believed to have.

Antartika'daki streams (ice streams)
Streams in the Antarctic continent, Antarctica, ice was all due to its location on earth. This causes all the rivers in the Antarctic continent is known as ice or ice streams. Glacial streams in the Antarctic continent is as follows:
• to Bailey Ice Stream
• the Bindschadler Ice Stream (Ice Stream D a)
• Byrd Glacier to the River
• the David Glacier River
• the Denman Glacier River
• River to the Glacial DeVicq
• the Evans Ice Stream
• the Foundation Ice Stream
• Institute of the ice stream
• River to the Glacial Jutulstraumen
• Kambiz the ice stream (ice stream C)
• Streams to the Lambert Glacier
• Land of the Ice Streams
• MacAyeal TV to stream (ice stream E)
• the Mercer Ice Streams (A to Ice Stream)
• Streams to the Mertz Glacier
• River ice to Möller
• the Mulock Glacier River
• the Ninnis Glacier River
• Pine Island Glacier River map
• River to the Glacial Rayner
• Recovery to Ice Streams
• the Rutford Ice Stream
• Scott River to the Glacial
• the Shirase Glacier River
• the Slessor Glacier River
• Smith River to the Glacial
• Support Force to Glacier River
• River map Stancomb-Wills Glacier
• the Thwaites Glacier River
• Totten Glacier to the River
• the Whillans Ice Stream
• Van der Veen TV to stream
Robert Falcon Scott, an English sailor and explorer. South Pole, Roald Amundsen reached a month later on January 17, 1912 is the second person. Scott, on June 6, 1868 near Davenport came into the world. After completing his naval officer, was charged by the British navy began working in various ships.